Long Leashes

New shift changes at work…finding it tough to find time to update photos and video!

Until then, a brief update.  We bought three fifty foot leashes from Amazon, one for each dog, and tested them out at our little neighborhood park today.  They worked great.  Jojo and Penny both have their “special distraction” that will both cause them to bolt if we aren’t careful.  For Jojo, it’s the neighborhood lady who loves to give him treats (thus he always gets excited when he sees anybody who looks like her), and for Penny, it’s birds.  For Charlie, it’s basically whatever dog he feels more attached to at the moment…he’ll happily follow them.

By allowing them to run around with the leashes dragging behind them, we can practice recall much more safely.  They did great running between me and my hubby today, coming on cue.  I feel SO much safer knowing that I can grab her leash in time if Penny suddenly sees a bird!  (Jojo is better, but better safe than sorry.)  The leashes are really long, and they have the benefit of adding a slight weight to the dog (about a pound each).

This means we can probably go to our nearby beach again, ALMOST leash free!  Hope it doesn’t rain this weekend…

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